1. What, Who and Why

Be clear about what you do, who you are and why you do it. Especially work out your ‘why’; it is what your preferred target audience will most respond to, and it is why they will come to you over your competitors. Have a short spiel that encapsulates your business to anyone who asks about it. Write and hone the one sentence, the one paragraph and the half a page that does that, ready to go for any eventuality. Revisit it from time to time; make sure it still accurately describes the essence of your business or organisation.

2. On-brand online presence

Your emails, social media, website and anything else online should be clear and consistent with your ‘what, who and why’ (see above). If you don’t have the time or energy for all the social media things (and who does!), and don’t have a dedicated comms person, pick the one that most suits your way of doing things and just concentrate on that. Don’t underestimate the impact of a quality graphic designer, on top of your well articulated text. You need to visually communicate your ‘what, who and why’ as clearly as when you say it. And don’t forget to proofread!

3. Networking, networking, networking

Which is really all about making friends and doing things for others – especially when it’s relatively easy for you but hugely valuable to them. Being collaborators instead of competitors is ALWAYS best. People who are closed off and protective instead of open and generous never even know what they are missing out on. So get out there – but make it enjoyable for yourself. If you’re not naturally an extrovert, find networking activities that you can manage: these may be shorter events, or more one-on-one time. If you’re enjoying yourself, you’re more likely to reap the benefits.

Linnet Good

Goodscribble Communications and Marketing